Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Heard Only Sightings: What to Count and What Not to Count

This is another question many birders are faced with, whether or not to count a heard only species. For me personally, my rules go as follows. If a bird is a lifer species, I will not count a heard only with the exceptions of sensitive species such as owls, rails, and nightjars (speaking of which, I hear a Great Horned Owl call outside my house as I'm writing The reason being, trying to draw them in for a good look can ultimately hurt them in many ways, which I like to avoid. If a bird is a new year bird, I will count a heard only. On a casual birding walk, I will also take heard only species. Seeing species is much more interesting than hearing them, let me tell you. It's super rewarding to finally see some species that you know you're hearing but can't get your binos on.

Bottom line, always strive to see the bird. But don't make it go out of its way to come to you...that's just mean. 

Good birding!

- Mike
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Photo by Your's Truly (it's me))

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