Sunday, November 22, 2015

Funky Birds

Every once in awhile, I'll stumble upon a bird that makes me scratch my head. There are some weird birds out there, and I don't just mean weird looking. I mean they do the most bizarre things. Here's an example. One of the most sought after species in the Rocky Mountains is the American Dipper. This elusive little bird is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the bird world. Why? Their habitat is fast flowing, rocky rivers. They literally jump from a rock or the shoreline into water that would swipe a human right of his or her feet. They then swim around, finding little things to eat on the bottom. Then, the best part, they jump back up on a rock and do their dance which is just them rhythmically bouncing up and down. When I first saw it, I couldn't believe how small it was and how easily it just swam around in the white water. Michael Phelps has got nothing on this little guy!

I always love seeing birds do funny things, but this one left me puzzled. Evolution at its finest I guess.

Good birding,

- Mike

American Dipper
Wild Basin, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

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