Sunday, November 22, 2015

Winter Plumage

Birding in the fall and winter is great but can also be very challenging when trying to identify birds that aren't in their stunning breeding plumages. Take the Red-throated Look below as an example. Guess what this bird is missing? Yep you guessed it, a red throat. To an experienced birder, this a no brainer. But to someone who is either relatively new or inexperienced with waterbirds, this could be tricky ID without a field guide. However, there are many features on this bird that I can tell you that differ from a Common Loon in Winter. First off, look at the face, it is clean white all over with a very clear cut off at the throat. A Common Loon would show some fading from the brown of the neck to the white. Also, the brown of a common loon extends into the face a little. Notice the speckling on the back, a Common Loon would show a more brown back. Also, the Red-throated Loon is more gray overall than the common. It is also more slender-bodied overall. For a shot of a Common Loon in Winter plumage, click here.

There are many birds that can be confusing in non-breeding plumage, but a closer look can reveal a lot. And if you're not sure, a field guide wouldn't hurt. 

Good birding,

- Mike

Red-throated Loon

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