So I showed up at the site where this supposed hatch year female Tufted Duck was supposed to be. I was able to relocate the bird mixed in with some Mallards feeding on the mudflats. It is certainly a very interesting bird. It shows some white on the face, and has a white undertail. When it was feeding while I was there, it dabbled. However, I heard it also dives sometimes. That's one skilled duck! Although I have to say I disagree, the verdict seems to be that it is a Tufted Duck. There's only one problem: it doesn't have a tuft! With the great luck of the NJ birders, all first year Tufted Ducks happen to not show a tuft between October and November. Of course that's when this thing shows up. On my way home from the location, I received an email from the New Jersey Birds Listserv called "Jerseybirds." Richard Crossley, who if you don't know is a British birder who happens to be an expert and author of many field guides. Long of the short of it, he thinks it's a scaup. However, many people including some highly regarded North Jersey birders have said otherwise. I think we should just shoot the damned thing and get it's DNA. Just kidding, but seriously this kind of ridiculous. The amount of e-drama that one little bird has stirred up is laughable. I heard earlier that Furruginous Duck is also being considered. This, I believe, would be a first ABA record. I don't think it's that because they show no white on the face, this bird has that. That would also be a huge stretch.
Bottom line, the final verdict is in the hands of the experts now. I don't know when (or if) it will be confirmed, but if it is, I will post about it. Hey, at least I got the bird in case it turns out to be a Tufted Duck...or something better! Other species of note included an unidentified falcon, Ruddy Ducks, Northern Pintails, and some late-staying Greater Yellowlegs.
Happy birding!
- Mike
Documentation photo through scope
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