Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Those Damn Birds...

Search any bird you want on google...seriously just do it now. Is almost every image not some incredible close up with perfect quality with perfect light? Add on...the bird is posing beautifully, as if it weren't moving. Now, does this ever happen to we casual birders in the field? Of course not! However, we all have those moments where the shot was almost perfect. I've had a few of those myself, but my favorite is when I saw a  Black-throated Blue Warbler at The Celery Farm. I was having a great early May afternoon, with multiple warbler species including Magnolia Warbler, American Redstart, and Northern Waterthrush. I came across a gorgeous male Black-throated Blue Warbler. And for those who don't know, warblers are like little laser beams bouncing all around you. In other words, they don't stop moving. This guy was doing the usual warbler thing, singing away and jumping all over. At one point, he stopped and just sat with his head straight. I lifted up my camera ferociously and began to focus on him, seeing the incredible photo opportunity. I was perfectly in focus and the light was awesome, plus he was surrounded by green leaves and pink buds. As soon as I snapped the photo, he turned his head, and continued doing his thing. The photo I got can be seen below. You can imagine my frustration...

Nowadays, I just don't attempt to photograph warblers, it's too much of headache. I just love to enjoy them, but I'll save my absolute warbler obsession for the spring. 

Until next time, good birding!

- Mike

He was definitely laughing at me...

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